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- Missing win32api DLL
Python 3.8 and perhaps others, may generate an error when running Jupyter on Windows 10 regarding missing the win32api DLL. There is a relatively easy fix:
pip uninstall pywin32 pip install pywin32==225
- Permission error when Running New Versions of Pytest with Stagefright and VS Code
Some newer versions of Pytest may generate the following error and warnings:
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Documents and Settings' PytestCacheWarning: could not create cache path \\.\NUL\.pytest_cache\v\cache\nodeids: [WinError 1] Incorrect function:
As of July, 2024, these warnings and error can be temporally fixed by downgrading Pytest to older versions:
pip uninstall pytest pip install pytest== (8.0.0 or older)
Helpful links:
- Timeout error when using SCIP to solve optimization model
If Timeout error is encountered with SCIP solver:
TimeoutExpired: Command [".../scip.exe", "--version"] timed out after 1 second
As of July, 2024, the error can be temporally fixed by executing the following command in the terminal:
scip --version
- Helpful link: